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Best Code Review Tools Reviews

Looking for the best code review tools? Read our comprehensive reviews to find out which ones are worth your time and investment. Whether you’re a developer or a team lead, these tools can help enhance code quality and collaboration. Discover the top options in our detailed evaluations.

Looking for the best code review tools reviews to enhance your development process? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top code review tools available in the market today. Code reviews are crucial for ensuring the quality and efficiency of your software projects. With the right tools, you can streamline the review process and catch potential issues early on. Our best code review tools reviews cover a range of features, including collaborative functionality, automated testing, and integrations with popular development platforms. These tools not only help you identify bugs and vulnerabilities but also improve code readability and maintainability. Whether you are a small team or a large enterprise, our curated list of best code review tools reviews will assist you in making an informed decision to optimize your development workflow.

# Code Review Tool Popularity Features Rating
1 Crucible High Integration with Jira, Customizable workflows 9.5/10
2 Code Climate High Automated code review, Code quality metrics 9/10
3 Review Board Moderate Web-based code review, Support for multiple SCM systems 8.5/10
4 SonarQube High Static code analysis, Code quality management 8.2/10
5 Phabricator Moderate Differential code review, Task management, Collaboration tools 8/10
6 Upsource Moderate Code browsing, Code review discussions, IDE integration 7.8/10
7 Gerrit Moderate Distributed code review, Integration with Git 7.5/10
8 Collaborator Moderate Peer code review, Workflow automation 7/10
9 Reviewable Low Real-time code review, GitHub integration 6.5/10
10 PullRequest Low GitHub code review, Automated testing integration 6/10


  • Features: Code review, collaboration, integration with JIRA
  • Supported languages: Java, C/C++, C#, Python, Ruby, JavaScript
  • Integration: Git, Subversion, Mercurial
  • Benefits: Streamlined code review process, easy collaboration among team members, integration with popular issue tracking tool JIRA
  • Drawbacks: Limited support for some programming languages

Crucible is a powerful code review tool that offers a streamlined process for reviewing and discussing code changes. It allows teams to collaborate effectively by providing features like inline comments, threaded discussions, and notifications. Crucible also integrates seamlessly with JIRA, making it easy to track and manage code reviews alongside other project tasks.

One notable feature of Crucible is its ability to integrate with popular issue tracking tool JIRA, allowing developers to link code reviews directly to relevant issues and track their progress.

Code Climate

  • Features: Automated code review, code quality analysis, test coverage tracking
  • Supported languages: Ruby, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Java, Go, TypeScript
  • Integration: GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab
  • Benefits: Automated code review process, actionable insights for improving code quality, easy integration with popular version control platforms
  • Drawbacks: Limited support for some programming languages

Code Climate is a widely used code review tool that focuses on automated analysis of code quality. It provides actionable insights and recommendations for improving code maintainability, readability, and performance. Code Climate also tracks test coverage, helping teams ensure comprehensive testing of their codebase.

One notable feature of Code Climate is its ability to integrate with popular version control platforms like GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab, making it easy to incorporate code review into the existing development workflow.

Review Board

  • Features: Web-based code review, diff viewer, inline comments
  • Supported languages: Any language with diff support
  • Integration: Git, Subversion, Mercurial, Perforce
  • Benefits: User-friendly interface, support for multiple version control systems, flexible configuration options
  • Drawbacks: Limited support for automated code analysis

Review Board is a web-based code review tool that offers a user-friendly interface for reviewing code changes. It provides a diff viewer that allows reviewers to easily compare and comment on code differences. Review Board supports multiple version control systems and offers flexible configuration options to adapt to different team workflows.

Review Board focuses primarily on the code review process and does not offer extensive automated code analysis capabilities. However, it can be integrated with other tools to complement this functionality.


  • Features: Static code analysis, code quality metrics, security vulnerability detection
  • Supported languages: Java, C/C++, C#, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Ruby, TypeScript
  • Integration: Jenkins, Azure DevOps, GitLab CI/CD
  • Benefits: Comprehensive code analysis, actionable insights for improving code quality and security, integration with popular CI/CD tools
  • Drawbacks: Requires additional setup and configuration

SonarQube is a powerful code review and analysis platform that helps teams identify and fix code quality issues. It performs static code analysis to detect bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells. SonarQube provides detailed reports and metrics, allowing teams to track the progress of code improvements over time.

SonarQube can be integrated with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Azure DevOps, and GitLab CI/CD, enabling automated code analysis as part of the continuous integration process.


  • Features: Code review, task management, collaboration tools
  • Supported languages: Any language with diff support
  • Integration: Git, Mercurial, Subversion
  • Benefits: All-in-one platform for code review and project management, extensive collaboration features, customizable workflows
  • Drawbacks: Steeper learning curve compared to some other tools

Phabricator is an all-in-one platform that combines code review capabilities with task management and collaboration tools. It offers a wide range of features including inline comments, task tracking, and project dashboards. Phabricator allows teams to customize their workflows to fit their specific needs.

While Phabricator provides a comprehensive solution for code review and project management, it may have a steeper learning curve compared to some other tools. However, its flexibility and extensive feature set make it a popular choice for larger development teams.


  • Features: Code review, code browsing, static code analysis
  • Supported languages: Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, PHP, Python, Ruby
  • Integration: Git, Mercurial, Subversion
  • Benefits: Seamless integration with popular version control systems, comprehensive code browsing capabilities, built-in static code analysis
  • Drawbacks: Limited support for some programming languages

Upsource is a code review tool that offers seamless integration with popular version control systems. It provides comprehensive code browsing capabilities, allowing developers to navigate through the codebase efficiently. Upsource also includes built-in static code analysis features to help identify potential issues.

One notable feature of Upsource is its ability to perform static code analysis, providing developers with insights into potential issues and suggesting improvements.


  • Features: Code review, access control, workflow management
  • Supported languages: Any language with diff support
  • Integration: Git
  • Benefits: Lightweight and fast, fine-grained access control, customizable workflows
  • Drawbacks: Limited support for some version control systems

Gerrit is a lightweight and fast code review tool specifically designed for Git repositories. It offers fine-grained access control, allowing administrators to define detailed permissions for different users and groups. Gerrit also supports customizable workflows to fit the specific needs of development teams.

Gerrit primarily focuses on providing a streamlined code review process for Git repositories. While it offers limited support for other version control systems, its performance and flexibility make it a popular choice for Git-based projects.


  • Features: Code review, document review, integration with IDEs
  • Supported languages: Any language with diff support
  • Integration: Git, Subversion, Mercurial, Perforce
  • Benefits: Support for both code and document reviews, seamless integration with popular IDEs, customizable review workflows
  • Drawbacks: Limited support for some programming languages

Collaborator is a comprehensive code review tool that also supports document reviews. It offers seamless integration with popular IDEs, allowing developers to perform code reviews directly within their development environment. Collaborator provides customizable review workflows and supports multiple version control systems.

One notable feature of Collaborator is its ability to integrate with popular IDEs, enabling developers to perform code reviews without leaving their preferred development environment.


  • Features: Code review, inline comments, integration with GitHub
  • Supported languages: Any language with diff support
  • Integration: GitHub
  • Benefits: Seamless integration with GitHub pull requests, intuitive user interface, easy collaboration among team members
  • Drawbacks: Limited support for some version control systems

Reviewable is a code review tool that focuses on seamless integration with GitHub. It provides an intuitive user interface for reviewing and discussing code changes within the context of pull requests. Reviewable allows teams to collaborate effectively through inline comments and threaded discussions.

While Reviewable offers excellent integration with GitHub, its support for other version control systems may be limited. However, for teams using GitHub as their primary platform, Reviewable provides a streamlined code review experience.


  • Features: Code review, automated testing, integration with popular CI/CD tools
  • Supported languages: Any language with diff support
  • Integration: GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket
  • Benefits: Automated code review process, seamless integration with popular version control and CI/CD platforms, actionable feedback for improving code quality
  • Drawbacks: Limited support for some programming languages

PullRequest is a code review tool that combines automated testing with manual code reviews. It integrates seamlessly with popular version control and CI/CD platforms, allowing teams to incorporate code review into their existing development workflows. PullRequest provides actionable feedback to help developers improve code quality.

PullRequest stands out for its combination of automated testing and manual code reviews, providing developers with a comprehensive approach to improving code quality.

What are the best code review tools available?

There are several top-notch code review tools available in the market. Some of the best ones include Crucible, Code Climate, Review Board, SonarQube, and Phabricator. These tools offer a wide range of features such as collaborative code review, automated code analysis, and integration with popular version control systems.

How do code review tools help in the software development process?

Code review tools play a crucial role in the software development process by facilitating the review and analysis of code changes. They enable developers to identify bugs, security vulnerabilities, and coding best practices violations before the code is merged into the main branch. These tools also promote collaboration among team members and help maintain code quality and consistency.

What factors should be considered when choosing a code review tool?

When selecting a code review tool, it is important to consider factors such as ease of use, integration capabilities with your existing development workflow and tools, support for multiple programming languages, scalability, and security features. Additionally, you may want to evaluate whether the tool offers features like inline commenting, code metrics analysis, and customizable workflows to align with your team’s specific requirements.

Top code review tools for efficient collaboration

Code review is an essential part of the software development process. Here are three highly recommended code review tools:

1. Crucible

Crucible is a powerful code review tool by Atlassian. It offers features like inline commenting, customizable workflows, and integration with popular version control systems.

2. CodeClimate

CodeClimate provides automated code review and analysis. It helps identify potential issues, maintain code quality, and improve overall software performance.

3. Review Board

Review Board is an open-source code review tool that supports various version control systems. It offers a user-friendly interface, flexible review process customization, and integration with bug tracking tools.

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